Exposure to the sun is a major contributor to skin aging, and too much can result in skin cancer. Violet alerts you when your time in the sun is no longer safe.
Violet® free App advises you on how long to be outside by taking your skin type combined with the sun's current intensity, read from local weather stations UV (ultraviolet) data.
Many people are vitamin D deficient. Now you can track how much vitamin D you are getting from the sun each day for your better overall health.
Say no to sunburns. More vitamin D. Get personalized advice that’s easy for you to plan your time outside!
Ultraviolet (UV ) sun rays constantly change around you. Violet Plus has built-in UVA and UVB sensors, so it tracks your all-day exposure no matter where you go.
Violet Plus uses multi-patented smart algorithms that can interpret your full body's needed UV exposure from all angles, all personalized to your skin type.
Aircraft grade aluminum, waterproof, lightweight, and fashionable; wear Violet Plus as a wristband or clip on anywhere.
When used independently, the device's lights indicate how much time you have left outside, and a vibration alerts you before you receive too much UV light.
Say no to sunburn! Know you're getting enough natural vitamin D. Violet Plus uses your personal physiology to know your right balance in the sun.
Violet Plus is always on and has up to 6 months of battery life. It even comes with a replaceable battery.
First of its kind
MSN health & fitness
...this device assists in achieving optimal sun balance
inc. magazine
...an ideal companion for a long summer day
About.com Tech
...a scale to measure the invisible
Paris Region Prime
Great for families!
SmartTherapy Spain/ WearableTechnologies
...useful for outdoor family gatherings and beach days
...one of the best apps, gadgets for avoiding a sunburn
First of its kind
MSN health & fitness
...this device assists in achieving optimal sun balance
inc. magazine
...an ideal companion for a long summer day
About.com Tech
...a scale to measure the invisible
Paris Region Prime