Hi all supporters,
Thanks for your patience. Since the last update in December 2014, we have been working extensively everyday to develop and deliver Violet™ to you. Here is the recent update.
New Violet™ redesign
After carefully testing and reviewing all manufacturing feasibilities, we decided that Violet needs some redesign in certain areas to accommodate all the functionalities that we promised. Here are the new Violet™ computer rendering pictures.
Noticeable changes are:
- light indicators: The light indicators are now shown as a spot whereas in the previous design they were shown as an arc ring. This will improve the waterproof capability and reduce manufacturing cost without compromising an aesthetic look.
- Device thickness. We are also able to reduce device thickness to about 6mm to give Violet a more elegant look and feel.
However, with the redesign, we have to go through the same prototyping and testing procedure as we did previously with the old design such as new PCB design, electronic components fittings and re-tuning the Bluetooth radio frequency. The process is in progress as we just got a new prototype aluminum cases back with a brand new redesigned PCB.

Firmware development
The user interface with Violet™ is thoroughly tested to make sure that users have an awesome experience when using the device. Here is a video that shows how it works.
The over the air firmware updated was successfully tested to make sure that we can provide users with improved features in the future. The UV exposure and vitamin D algorithms firmware are currently being optimized for power saving, thus longer battery life.
Some of our patents have been reviewed by patent examiners. We are working closely with them to make sure that our IP could be safely secured. We expect to have several patents granted by the end of this year.
Violet™ Mobile App
In order to deliver a quality product, we need feedbacks from large user groups. This is important for any technology companies. We are no exception. However, as a small startup with limited resources, we have to do things a bit more creatively. Therefore, we developed the “Violet™ mobile app” to serve 2 purposes.
- An educational tool to promote how important it is to balance your sun exposure.
- Gather anonymously real user data to improve our algorithm for final Violet™ device.

To download the app please click on the link below.
You are probably wondering if the app can be used without the Violet™ device, why would you still need Violet™?
In short, this app is a scaled down feature of the Violet™ companion app. It is never meant to replace Violet™ device since the app uses only forecast UV data from weather stations to predict time to sun burn and time to complete daily vitamin D production. Many user interactions are needed to track your sun exposure. Accuracy and user experience is always better with Violet™ device. Again, we developed this app to help us improve Violet™ device. The device will also work without the need of a phone and is waterproof so you can use it at the beach or in a swimming pool.
Therefore, We encourage all supporters to download and use this app. All feedbacks and comments are always welcome.
Violet™ delivery date change
As much as we want to bring Violet™ as soon as we can to all supporters, we also want to make sure that we deliver a high quality product that will actually benefits a lot of people. The decision to redesign Violet™ is an unavoidable engineering decision as we found several potential problems related to quality issues during the testing process.
With the new design, we still have to go through the same process we went through several months ago with the old design to make sure it passes all engineering tests. Therefore, this will affect our delivery time by several months. We truly apologize to all supporters in this regard. We only hope that you understand and continue patiently supporting us. Again, we will keep you posted.
New target shipping date.
August 2015
Active team
Hardware: Nattapon Chaimanonart
Firmware: Martin Li
iOS/Android apps: Nabyl Bennouri and David Boyd
Back end: Salim Bennouri and Youssef El Akari
Industrial Design: Pradenan Chaivoraporn
Follow the development
For more updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +
Contact information
Please send us your questions at violet@liveultrahealthy.com
Wow, just discovered the app and it’s pretty cool. is there any forcast for the iOS App ?
Thanks pat! More features and improvements are on the way for the Android app and the iOS version is on its way. It will be released before the summer.